Get to know the founder of Sleepover Friends!
When did you know creating Sleepover Friends was the right path for you?
Like so many others during the pandemic, I had to make a career change. I left my job of twenty years as a Recreation Therapist to support my girls with distance learning. Being home, I was able to go in a different direction and still be creative. My mom taught me how to sew when I was little. My girls were three and four at the time and were obsessed with sleepovers. They were too young so I started sewing sleeping bags for their stuffed animals. Having sleepovers at home was such a success that I started making little sleeping bags for their friends.
I knew this was the right path when I could transfer my skills and passions from my healthcare career to Sleepover Friends. Creating a toy that could be with a child from infancy through childhood that prompted imaginary play, provided comfort, helped with confidence and independence felt right.
What do you like most about what you do?
Creating and family support! Having my family involved is the best. My husband is my biggest cheerleader and my girls help me design new friends, pick out prints, prepare orders and they are even learning how to sew. I feel fortunate that I can show my girls you can work hard and create something amazing.
I also light up every time I get a message from parents or grandparents telling me how much their kids love Sleepover Friends: having them provide comfort through COVID, celebrating becoming a big sister or big brother and having a successful night sleeping in their own room.
What is the biggest obstacle you have faced and how did you overcome it?
Transitioning from over twenty years in healthcare to starting my own business was a big shift. It has been terrifying though mostly exciting. I love creating and pushing myself. The opportunity to make something that gives value in a fun way is a driving force for me.
If your phone could ring right now with your dream opportunity, what would that be?
My dream opportunity would be to continue to grow so I can give back in bigger ways. I have been able to support my community by donating Sleepover Friends to families affected by the CZU fires and support children seen in Santa Cruz Behavioral Health. My goal is to be able to give more Sleepover Friends to foster kids. I want to bring joy, comfort, a feeling of safety and consistency into those children's lives.
What do you want people to remember most about you/Sleepover Friends?
I want to be remembered for making people feel good. That I provided them with a fun tool to make their lives better and helped to ease the bedtime routine. Sleep is so essential to everyone’s wellness. Achieving better sleep in a fun way is the best legacy I can think of!